Senin, 29 Mei 2017


why I entered the Faculty of Economics Management Degree?

because I want to improve knowledge in the field of Economics & memanejerial I'd like in a company so I know more in being a Manager in a company.

1. keingin factor in the economy of knowledge
2. want to become an expert in the field of Economics
3. in order to become a qualified self-employment
4. want to train your making every effort to be a leader or company managers
5. want to be an expert in the field of entrepreneurship. From there I entered management   wants to be a reliable person in economics & memenejerial a company can

Selasa, 09 Mei 2017



Market is one of a variety of systems, institutions, procedures, social relationsand infrastructures in which businesses sell goods, services and labor for the peoplein exchange for money. Goods and services sold to use as legal tender fiat money. This activity is part of the economy. It is an arrangement that allows buyers andsellers to exchange items. Competition is very important in the market, and separate from the trading market. Two people may do the trade, but it takes at leastthree people to have a market, so there is competition on at least one of the twosides. Markets vary in size, range, geographic scale, location, type and variety of the human community, as well as the type of goods and services traded. Some examples include local farmers market held in the town square or parking lots ,shopping centers and shopping malls, international currency and commodity markets, the law creating such a market for pollution permits, and illegal marketslike the market for illicit drugs.

In mainstream economics, the concept of the market is any structure that allows buyers and sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information.Exchange of goods or services for money is a transaction. Market participantsconsist of all buyers and sellers are both affecting its price. This influence is a majorstudy of economics and has spawned several theories and models of basic market forces of supply and demand. There are two roles in the market, buyers and sellers. Markets facilitate trade and allow the distribution and allocation of resources in the community. Markets allow all items to be evaluated and traded prices. An emergingmarket is more or less spontaneous or deliberately constructed by human interaction to allow the exchange of rights (ownership) services and goods.


Indonesia had experienced economic devastation that had been built through the joints of the new order policy began crawling back construct the foundation of the economyInternational Financial Corporation (IFC) classification of stocks linked to the classification of the stateIf the country is still classified as a developing country, the market in the country is also in a developing stage, although market shares are fully functional and well organized.
Developed capital markets can be identified through a country, whether the country is a developed country or a developing country classifiedIndicator is the per capita income of a country, which is usually included in the low to middle- income countriesBut the most striking characteristic is seen the value of the market capitalization of companies listed, the cumulative trading volume, the tightness of capital markets regulation, sophistication and culture to domestic investors.
Consequences of growing capital market is a small market capitalization value. A measure of market capitalization ratio is usually seen from the comparison with the value of a country’s gross domestic product. In addition to the other consequences is the presence of thin trading volume (thin trading) caused by trade (non – syncronous trading) on the market. Synchronous trading is not caused by the number of securities traded not entirely, meaning that there is some specific time in which a securities transaction does not occur (Hartono, 2003). Indonesia which is still listed on the IFC is still a developing country with the worst investment climate in the East Asian region. Even with a record like that, in fact we are still considered by foreign investors. The fact that there are national companies with actually being in the strategic sectors of the country, offered by some foreign institutions through the acquisition of shares. The presence of capital inflows as investments in general is foreign investment should be a booster of the macro economy. The main reason for foreign investors to move their funds to developing countries is that developing countries have the potential untapped business entirely, as in the classic motifs of investment to other countries. Michael Fairbanks and Stace Lindsay senior consultant at Monitor Company express purpose of foreign investors coming to the poorer countries is usually only see an opportunity to attract natural resources, cheap labor and wages as the target product or service that is not good quality.

But there are other reasons that accompany such motives, the striking differences with developed countries. If we use a life cycle approach to the business of developing countries into the category growth (growth) than developed countries that fall into the category of ripe (mature). It means that there is the attraction of high economic growth which of course is accompanied by a high return anyway, because economic growth is an aggregate indicator of industry in a country. For example, the mobile telecommunications business in Indonesia, which explored the new solid in Java alone, while outside it still has high potential to serve new markets.

Kamis, 27 April 2017

Menterjemahkan dan menentukan tipe conditional sentences

1. Kalau sekarang hujan, maka motor saya basah.
  If it is reaining now, then my motorcyle it wet. (Conditional type 0)
2. Seandainya nanti saya lulus, saya akan mendapat hadiah.
If  I graduate later, I will get a present. (Conditional type 1)
3. Kalau saja tadi pagi saya sakit perut, maka saya tidak akan kuliah.
If I had stomachache this morning, I would no go to collage. (Conditional type 2)
4. Seandainya saya burung, saya akan terbang ke langit.
If  I am a bird, i will fly to the sky. (Conditional type 1)
5.  Jika kita makan satu apel setiap hari, maka tubuh kita sehat.
If  we eat an apple every day, then our body is healty. (Condiotional type 0)
6.  Seandainya nanti saya pulang cepat, saya akan mampir ke rumahmu.
If  I go home eariler later, I will come to your house. (Condiotional type 1)
7.  Jika saja dulu saya belajar dengan rajin, maka 6 bulan lagi saya diwisuda.
If  I had studied diligenty, I would be graduated 6 months later. (Conditional type 3)
8.  Seandainya saya daun, kamu batangnya.
If  I am a leaf, you are the steam. (Conditional type 0)
9. Kalau saja nanti saya menjadi bos, saya akan menikahi kamu.
If  I become a boss someday, I will marry you. (Conditional type 1)
10. Kalau saja tadi pagi hujan besar, jalan Margonda akan macet.
If  it rained heavly this morning, Margonda street would be jammed. (Conditional Type 1)

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017


Subject Verb Agreement

1.       Ten ……. is to much to pay that book.
             a.       dollars
             b.      dollar
             c.      dollarss
             d.      dolla 

2.       The ……. that I got from my teacher was very interesting.
             a.       were
             b.      was
             c.      went
             d.      wass

3.   My sister will ……. to Sawarna Beach tomorrow.
             a.       go
             b.      went
             c.      going
             d.      good

4.       We ……. eat salad.
             a.      were
             b.      was
             c.      went
             d.      wer

5.       I ……. submit the job.
             a.      did
             b.      do
             c.      doing
             d.      day

6.       Most people ………. to listening music.
             a.      Like
             b.      Likes
             c.      Liked
             d.      lik

7.       She …… working.
             a.      are
             b.      is
             c.      have
             d.      was
8.       Eight hours of sleep ……. enough.
             a.      have
             b.      is
             c.      are
             d.      like

9.       My boss ……. checked the files.
             a.      has
             b.      have
             c.      had
             d.      is

10.       My family ……. in Depok.
             a.      live
             b.      lives
             c.      lived
             d.      have


Error Analysis
1. Wether to buy or rent a car are an important financial question.
                       A                         B             C
Answer : B (is)
·         two or more subjects connected by “or” use a singular verb.

2. All part of the cake have been eaten by my sister.
                  A                 B               C
Answer : B (has)
·         the object of the prosisi is plural, then use a plural verb.

3. A number of kids comes to my shop and buy chocolate.
                             A      B                                C
    Answer : B (come)
·         the phrase the number means the number, followed by a singular verb. While a number, followed by a plural verb.

4. Either of us are able to speak English.
                A      B                  C
     Answer : B (is)
·         either the subject of the sentence, then use the singular verb.

5. Either sarah or susan have been ready to go.
                          A              B                          C
      Answer : B (has)
·         two singular subjects connected by either/or requires a singular verb.

6. My mother and father is arriving today.
                         A             B       C
     Answer : B (is)
·         two or more subjects connected by “and” use a plural verb.

 7. One of my sister like to reading book.
             A                  B              C
     Answer : B (likes)
·         subject in plural verb, then used the singular verb.
 8. The boys walks to school.
       A                B           C
    Answer : B (walk)
·         subject in singular verb, then used the plural verb.

9. Each book and magazine are  listed in the database.
                        A                     B      C
    Answer : B (is)
·         “each” is always in the singular noun, although a noun are connected there are two or more subjects.

10. My friends lives in Yogyakarta.
      A                 B     C
     Answer : C (live)
·         subject in plural verb, then used the singular verb.

11. These trousers is made of wool.
          A                  B           C
      Answer : B (are)
·         noun “trousers” should be followed by a plural verb.

12. There is many questions.
           A    B                 C
      Answer : B (are)
·         the subject comes after the verb, but still used to define single or plural.

13. My family have a long history.
                 A       B                   C
      Answer : B (has)
·         collective nouns are words that imply more than one person but that are considered singular and take a singular verb.

14. Either my father or I will going to the market.
                                          A             B           C
      Answer : A (am)
·         when “I” was one of the subjects are connected by either/or, as well as the “I” placed on the second, then follow the subject with the verb am.

15. Rani is talking to the kid who buy my cake.
                       A                B            C
      Answer : B (kids)
·         the verb after “who” is plural, then use a plural verb.